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严选优质第三方维修点 专业服务有保障






2023-11-03 09:30 98阅读

Cartier definitely should be polished. Polishing is one of the most important maintenance steps to keep a Cartier watch in excellent condition.

Firstly, polishing helps maintain the appearance of the watch. Cartier watches are luxury watches, so they must have a beautiful and unique look. This look can be maintained by periodically polishing the exterior of the watch. Polishing will also remove dirt, oil, and grime that may have built up on the watch over time.

Secondly, polishing can help protect the longevity of the watch. The exterior of a Cartier watch is usually made from stainless steel, which can corrode if not regularly polished. Regular polishing will help prevent corrosion from occurring on the watch, which will help it last longer.

Finally, regular polishing will also help maintain the accuracy of the watch. If dirt, oil, or grime accumulates on the mechanism of the watch, it can affect the accuracy of the timekeeping. By polishing the watch, any dirt or grime can be removed, restoring the proper operation of the watch.

To sum up, Cartier definitely should be polished on a regular basis. Polishing will help maintain the appearance of the watch, protect its longevity, and help ensure that it runs accurately.
